
Mass Decarceration

Ending the use of jails, prisons and detention centers to address social problems such as poverty, inadequate public education & substance abuse and replacing policing and surveillance with services for human justice.


Education and Research

Bringing together “inside” incarcerated and “outside” university students, faculty and community members for higher education through courses, workshops and research.



People directly impacted by mass incarceration, collaborating with artists from all media, and using the arts & culture to change the law.



Guiding and learning from the next generation of visionary artists, activists and scholars by centering justice and healing to transform our communities.


Movement Building

Imagining, creating and expanding local, national and global movements for a more humane justice system shaped by survivors of crime and mass incarceration.


Education and Research

Bringing together “inside” incarcerated and “outside” university students, faculty and community members for higher education through courses, workshops and research.

The Math

> 65%

return to prison

= 30%

return to prison

= 13.7%

return to prison

= 5.6%

return to prison

= 0%

return to prison